This app allows users to monitor TBM performance in real time, manage worker shifts, generate detailed reports, and visualize project data on interactive maps and 3D views with geological information. The interface is designed to be intuitive and responsive, making it easier for users to navigate through complex data and allowing them to make better decisions.
What makes this project particularly interesting and challenging is the processing and visualization of a huge amount of data obtained from various sensors in real time. Geological data integrated into 3D models provides detailed insights into drilling progress, while interactive maps help to accurately plan and track projects. The document management system further enhances collaboration among team members by enabling easy storage, search and sharing of important documents.
The project also involves working with various databases and using caching to optimize performance, which requires advanced technical skills and creative problem solving.
Working with a foreign team to develop and maintain the application further contributes to its functionality and continuous improvement, providing an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and innovation.
The overall solution not only increases productivity and reduces risks in tunneling projects, but also sets new standards in the industry through advanced technology and efficient data integration.
- Joint work with the team from abroad on the development, maintenance and new functionalities of the software
- Processing and visualization of data obtained from sensors
- Document management
- Data monitoring
- Shift management
- Report tool (all types of client and management reports)
- Exporting data to different data formats (charts, tables, excel, PDF ...)
- Angular, TypeScript, HTML, SaSS/ScSS, Angular CLI, RxJS, Angular Material, .Net, Swagger, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Redis, SQLite, Firebird, MongoDB, Influx, Python, Git...
Coments from developers:
- ”Full stack project – everybody likes it.”